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Give your children the best :

Security thanks to our tailor-made insurance offers

  • Project Savings

    Save today to bring your plans to life tomorrow ...

  • Multirisk Housing

    Protect your home from all risks now ...

  • Car insurance

    Plan ahead and take care of your investment ...


Professional & Business

Travel and Travel Insurance

It covers health damage during your travels (Travel outside the national territory) and guarantees reimbursement during your travels

Multirisk Home Insurance

It protects your buildings, stocks, materials, furniture and equipment against fire, theft, water damage, broken windows, broken machines, damage due to electricity ...

Car insurance

It covers damage that you may cause to others as a result of your vehicle or even damage that your car may suffer.

Individual Accident Insurance

It guarantees reimbursement of medical, pharmaceutical and capital costs in the event of death, this contract covers you as well in ...

Motorcycle / Tricycle Insurance

Whatever the use of the motorcycle, you have the possibility to insure yourself by: - private use (walk and business)

Professional comprehensive insurance

It protects your buildings, stocks, materials, furniture and equipment against fire, theft, water damage

Health insurance

It covers the costs to which the insured is exposed in the event of illness ...

Loss of Business Insurance

A fire or a machine breakdown can cause your business activities to stop partially or completely and have consequences ...

Civil Liability Insurance

It covers the pecuniary consequences of civil liability that you may incur due to bodily or material accidents ...

Assurance Tous Risques Chantiers

Elle répond à l’obligation d’assurance qui pèse sur les constructeurs d’infrastructures publiques et les propriétaires de bâtiments privés...

Assurance Tout Risque Informatique

Elle a pour but de garantir l’assuré contre le bris ou la destruction imprévue subie par les machines et les matériels en activité ou en...

L’assurance Bris de machines

Les machines constituent un capital non négligeable et ont une durée de vie limitée. Cette limitation de la durée de vie des machines est liée à plusieurs facteurs parmi lesquels on peut citer les accidents et les bris imprévisibles...

L’assurance Transport

Elle couvre les marchandises transportées par voie maritime, aérienne, ou terrestre et les responsabilités civiles qui en découlent.

What do you need to insure?

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Our figures

Proud of 12 Years
of Excellence ...

We are insurance professionals, approved intermediaries mandated by the insured or the client for the study, placement and management of insurance risks. We are the intermediary between the client and the insurance companies. Our role is therefore to advise you in order to offer you tailor-made contracts that are more suited to your profile.

Your advantages

If you make us

Time saving

allowing you to stay focused on your business since we take care of identifying the most interesting insurance contract and negotiating certain guarantees with the insurer,

Best Rates

We are negotiating the best pricing conditions that no individual could claim. So you have a pretty remarkable cost advantage

Tailor-made advice

based on a precise assessment of your needs, synthesis and proposals of the guarantees required in order to best support you in your choice.


protecting your business, reassessing its needs as its business evolves and setting up a monitoring procedure guaranteeing you a flawless life cycle.


for all the procedures to be carried out with the insurer since the subscription of the contract, any modifications to be made, or even its renegotiation, until implementation ...

Join us

Become the first Beninese broker with entirely national capital through a well-defined customer orientation and cutting-edge expertise. The collaboration with us is based on 04 (four) fundamental values:


Compliance with commitments vis-à-vis customers as well as compliance with the rules laid down within the company


The success of the business is a matter of individual and collective efficiency.


The success of the business is a matter of individual and collective efficiency.


So that the working atmosphere is friendly.

What our customers say

  • Jeannette KANLINGAN Manager

    Service repide, impeccable follow-up. In terms of insurance and brokerage they are the best from my many experiences with other local brokers. I highly recommend them…

  • Ernest ADANDEDJAN Manager

    In any case for my first car and for my house they helped me in my biggest decisions. I didn't have to worry about insurance. They are just awesome Top

  • Ghislaine DAKAN Manager

    For me, Azur Courtage is an aggressive insurance broker, who gets the best for the client. They are very innovative and committed, which has a positive impact on premiums. Collaboration and capacity for innovation are the strengths of Azur Courtage»

  • Romaric Sossou Manager

    We have an old relationship, on several employers, with ADVANTIS as an insurance broker. Besides the great expertise, which is essential, I also really appreciate the long personal relationship. In terms of insurance, I can trust this partner

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